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Financial Transparency in Working with Syre

It is important to me that my services are accessible to the folx who need them most.  I believe in healing justice and do not want finances to be a barrier. Given that I am offering my liberation centered healing approaches outside of the system of the medical industrial complex,  it is in alignment with my values to offer sliding scale options. 


As I considered my fees for services I wanted to be careful not to fall into the pattern of giving my labor away. As a Black, Queer, gender expansive person who has spent countless hours, dollars, and emotional energy pursuing education and training (I've got the student debt to show it!), I aim to balance being fairly compensated for my work and prioritizing my health and wellbeing, with providing financial accessibility to the folx who need my services most. 


Toward that end, I am adopting a 3 level sliding scale that includes:


Rainbow level rate: This level is represented by the fullest jar in the graphic below. Folx at this level pay at a rate that contributes to accessibility for folx at the Sun level rates. 


Moon level rate: This rate represents the actual price of the service. This is the rate necessary for sustainability.


Sun level rate: This rate is reserved for those folx with the most financial need and is made possible by the folx paying at the Rainbow level rate.


While I offer these options, it is understandable that even the Sun level rates will be inaccessible for some. Accordingly, I have reserved a small amount of openings for folx at a deeper slide. These openings are prioritized for BIPOC and LGBTQ  folx. Please email for more information. 



To help decide which sliding scale level is best for you please consider the graphic below.


As we pursue goals of liberation and vibrant health, we will do so in a way that centers pleasure and freedom rather than limitation and denial. 

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